Bhutan : The land of myths and legends

Plan your trip to Bhutan with Bhutan local tour operator and witness what the Archaeological evidence has revealed so far. Sources say that Bhutan was inhabited by nomadic herders as early as 2000-1500 BC. Although the destruction of original documents in fires and earthquakes has left much of Bhutan’s ancient history obscure, a few of the survivors that were saved from such natural disasters reveal the prominence of Buddhist tradition and mythology.

The best travel agents in Bhutan can be your best mode to witness what has remained a mystery till this date. Other sources rely on reports from British explorers and on legend and folklore. Bhutan recorded Bhutanese history dates back to the 747 AD when Guru Rimpoche first visited the country. Regarded as the second Buddha and the patron saint of Bhutan, he introduced the Buddhist religion in the country, providing a sense of cohesion during the middle ages. Until the early 17th century, Bhutan was a cluster of fragmented provinces constantly at odds with each other. Bhutan local travel agency takes you back to the era of Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyel, a great spiritual personality, and leader who brought an end to fighting parties and unified the country into one nation, establishing a theocracy in 1652 and introducing a code of law. In the process of crushing several foreign invasions, mainly from Tibet, he initiated the building of many fortresses called Dzongs, which to this day, serves as the center of administration in the country. Bhutan trekking agency offers the best-required help for exploring this intriguing realm and to witness the ancient architectural establishments of the bygone era.

However, the theocracy established by Shabdrung endured until 1907 when HRH Ugyen Wangchuck was elected as the first hereditary king of Bhutan by popular consensus. HRH Jigme Wangchuck succeeded him and ruled the country from 1926 to 1952. HRH Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, also known as the father of modern Bhutan, was king from 1952 to 1972. The present king HRH Jigme Singye Wangchuck came to the throne in 1972.

Places to Visit

Thimpu (Capital City of Bhutan)

Thimpu Valley is located at an elevation of 2,300 meters and features Taschichho dzong, which is the main secretariat building. In fact, it also houses the throne rooms thus making it a fascinating part of Bhutan travel.


Bhutan offers bountiful of green valleys. The best part of Bhutan travel is that these valleys come with snow-capped peaks, along with captivating avenues. With bracing climate and fascinating heritage and culture, Paro Valley is not less than a heaven. In fact, there is no dearth of places including valleys and temples in Bhutan. Paro Valley homes some of the Bhutan’s oldest temples & monasteries. It also homes the only airport in Bhutan. It is also one of the most fertile valleys of Bhutan.


Wangdiphodrang was built in the 17th century. Its beauty enhances with the fact that it is located at the altitude of 1,350 meters to the south of Punakha. The dzong is exactly located at the convergence of Punakhachu and the Tang-chu River thus making it richer and glorious. No doubt, it is one of the most fascinating places of tourist interest in Bhutan.


Tongsa is the centre, when it comes to historically view the country of Bhutan. It forms the essential hub of the nation and offers a glimpse of hutans history. You will be mesmerized to witness the vast expanse of the spectacular landscape around Tongsa.

Bumthang Valley

Bumthang valley is agin loaded with exquisite beauty. Located at an elevation of 2,600 meters, it is something, which is undeniably beautiful and appealing. This valley is the religious hub and offers some of the oldest Buddhist temples of Bhutan.


If you wish to witness the Bhutan’s newest dzongs, Mongar is the best place to do so. Built in the 1930s, Mongar is one of the beautiful places of Bhutan. Being in Mongar will make you unearth how the traditional Bhutanese architecture continued to prosper along the centuries.

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